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International Phone Service
This topic covers personal phone calls outside the United States, mobile computing, and worldwide cellular phone service.

Anyone overseas who needs to call back to their home country or from one foreign country to another is in for a big surprise.  Such calls are typically outrageously priced because the government of the country you are in owns or has an interest in the phone company. Check with your long-distance company before you leave to see about their international service plan.

Worldwide Country Area and City Codes   A list of worldwide country area and city codes plus information on other international phone services.
Renting a Cellular Phone Worldwide.  Here are some companies that specialize in renting cellular phones for your use in the United States and other countries of the world.
Phone Companies
AT&T Worldwide Traveler   This is the AT&T Worldwide Traveler section with lots of good information about making international calls.
MCI World Phone Service.   MCI has is one of several services that let you call from one foreign country to another or from a foreign country back to the United States at lower rates.
Sprint Phone Cards.  This will take you to their page that describes their Phone Cards.
Mobile Computing
Click here to go over to the Computers section of the Travel Library for information on taking your laptop on your trip.
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